The Utah Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists will be hosting a Zoom meeting about creating preludes from the hymn book on January 14th at 7PM. Check it out here:
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This site is dedicated to helping church musicians feel more comfortable improvising on hymns in order to improve worship through music in their congregations. It is directed at members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but the principles discussed can be applied to the music of any faith.
All of the videos in this list are in the playlist linked above and the gallery below. Your choice how you want to access them!
No Music Theory Required
01: Preparing to Improv on a Hymn
02: Rubato/a piacere/Dynamics
03: Playing with Registers/Octaves
04: Playing With Parts PLUS Embrace Your Mistakes
05: Hymns Made Easy plus Hymn Book
06: Simplify!
07: Echoes
08: Change time signatures
09: Tremolo
10: Rolled and broken chords
11: Adding octaves
12: Repeated notes and adding rhythmic interest
13: Articulation
14: Drones
15: Repeating melodic motif
16: Ornamentation
17: Running bass lines
Music Theory Required
Coming soon
Hymn Improvisation
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Awesome! Glad it’s helpful.