View a video of this arrangement here!
The two movements of Rossini's famous opera overture included here are familiar the world over. Whether your students can name them or not, they've certainly heard them! There are two versions of this arrangement included. Version A is easier and is correlated with popular method books, and Version B is for a more intermediate-level group, although Version B's Parts 3 and 4 are still within the reach of a second-year student. For Version A, if a student has mastered the lesson listed in the score, they can play the part!
About Ensembles by the Book
Beginners will have a blast with these ensemble arrangements leveled to correlate with popular flute method books! Each part is correlated with a specific lesson in the Flute 101 and Blocki Methods.
Creating an ensemble for your beginning flute students is one of the best things you can do for them; intonation, phrasing, and dynamics are all more effectively taught when reinforced through ensemble work. Since these are multi-level ensembles, your students will quickly find role models within your studio who are playing at a higher level, increasing motivation to practice so they can play the harder parts the next time!
*Please note that these arrangements correlate with method books meant for private lessons, which typically begin with the notes B, A, and G, rather than band methods, which start students with less beginner-friendly flute notes.
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